5 little bookworms!

Scars by Cheryl Rainfield 

I decided to come up with a rating system for my book reviews. 5 Little Bookworms being the best, obviously!


This book was amazing! Like over the top, spin me for a loop, drop me from the sky and tickle me till I cry kinda book. This is not a book for everyone but I would highly recommend it if this is something you feel comfortable reading about. {Disclaimer: Lesbian/Gay Relations & Sexual Molestation & Cutting} I personal liked this book for it's raw and un-fluffy approach to such a taboo topic. This is a serious issue and I believe it needs to be addressed. Books aren't always suppose to be sunshine & unicorns! Every now and again it is refreshing to read a book that makes you stop and think about things. Real things. Things that actually happen, whether you choose to believe them or not. Real things that make your stomach turn and your eyes water. Things that in one way or another - you probably know someone who can relate to these things - change you forever.

People are always in denial about the harsh realities of life but I'm hear to tell you that this shit exists whether you choose to believe it or not. {and I can say this because I do have a criminal justice degree and have served for several district attorneys and clerks offices} Horrible things happen to people who do not ever deserve being subjected to such wicked, sick ways of our world. Child molesters' aren't people who hide in the shadows and go bump in the night! They are not people that you don't know who only do this once to strange, random children. No! This happens everyday to children by people they care for and trust over and over and over again. People that you might sit across the table from at Thanksgiving dinners or people that you let babysit your children. Sorry to be so blunt about it but it is a real problem that you can try to prevent if you know the signs & if not prevented then you can help or get help before things get out of control.

This book is an example of a young girl's sexual abused by a loved one for years who only knows how to cope with it by cutting herself to release the pain while her parent's turn a blind eye. These things are going to happen and its going to be difficult but it is not impossible. You can either let yourself become a victim or you can choose to become a survivor! This young girl, with all her faults and troubles, chooses to be a survivor of sexual assault. She's young and unguided, like most youth in this situation are, but she never lets her struggles consume her. Sure she has issues here and there but she is working on her internal demons and becoming stronger by facing the issues. I also love how the writer puts links in the back of the book to several hotlines and websites for sexual abuse and self-inflicted abuse/pain.

I'm not trying to say that I'm a perfect person and nothing bad will ever happen when or if I have children but I know that I will do my best to help my child in every way imaginable if ever faced with something has devastating as this. Having several people close to me who have been in similar situations gives me a decent perspective on the matter. I have seen women that have experienced this type of trauma and become a better, stronger person because of it. I've also seen people who let it eat away at them and refuse to deal with the issue.

You can't help someone if they don't want the help and I admire all those who try to give guidance to those lost in life. Most people think that it only hurts them when they find themselves in a situation like this well I think that's BULLSHIT! Being the abused victim or being the support system both have equal rights to the pain and accomplishments of overcoming the situation. Watching someone self-destruct right in front of your eyes while you do everything you can think of to help is just as bad as being the one who is going through the issues. Knowing someone close to you who was harmed as a child makes you stronger. Wishing it would of happened to you instead because you might be able to manage the pain and knowing that nothing you can do is going to relieve that person from the torture! No matter what side of the fence you are on in this no one comes out of it unscathed. This book will open your eyes to the world you want to pretend doesn't exist. Wow... a total must read if you haven't already.

Scars by Cheryl Rainfield

Amazon Book Description
Kendra must face her past and stop hurting herself—before it's too late.... An edgy, realistic, and hopeful novel about a teen survivor of sexual abuse who uses self-harm to cope. Kendra, fifteen, hasn't felt safe since she began to recall devastating memories of childhood sexual abuse, especially because she still can't remember the most important detail – her abuser's identity. Frightened, Kendra believes someone is always watching and following her, leaving menacing messages only she understands. If she lets her guard down even for a minute, it could cost Kendra her life. To relieve the pressure, Kendra cuts; aside from her brilliantly expressive artwork, it's her only way of coping. Since her own mother is too self-absorbed to hear her cries for help, Kendra finds support in others instead: from her therapist and her art teacher, from Sandy, the close family friend who encourages her artwork, and from Meghan, the classmate who's becoming a friend and maybe more. But the truth about Kendra's abuse is just waiting to explode, with startling unforeseen consequences. SCARS is the unforgettable story of one girl's frightening path to the truth.

Goodreads Description
Kendra must face her past and stop hurting herself—before it's too late.... An edgy, realistic, and hopeful novel about a teen survivor of sexual abuse who uses self-harm to cope.

Kendra, fifteen, hasn't felt safe since she began to recall devastating memories of childhood sexual abuse, especially because she still can't remember the most important detail – her abuser's identity. Frightened, Kendra believes someone is always watching and following her, leaving menacing messages only she understands. If she lets her guard down even for a minute, it could cost Kendra her life. To relieve the pressure, Kendra cuts; aside from her brilliantly expressive artwork, it's her only way of coping. Since her own mother is too self-absorbed to hear her cries for help, Kendra finds support in others instead: from her therapist and her art teacher, from Sandy, the close family friend who encourages her artwork, and from Meghan, the classmate who's becoming a friend and maybe more. But the truth about Kendra's abuse is just waiting to explode, with startling unforeseen consequences. SCARS is the unforgettable story of one girl's frightening path to the truth.

Dark House by Karina Halle
Experiment in Terror #1

This book is a wonderful book, don't get me wrong, it's just not the book for me. I never felt invested in the book or related to the characters. I'd didn't find it to be creepy or spooky but that's just my twisted sense of terror I guess. I felt like I was climbing up a hill and every time I thought I was getting close to the top, I would slip and fall back down and have to start all over again. Every time I thought the book was going to get somewhere, I felt like it fell flat. The writing was great and the story line was intriguing but it just wasn't the book for me. I skipped large sections just to get to the end to see if I would be left with a cliffhanger making me want to read book two but nothing. I'd recommend this book if you are into creepy haunted ghost chasing weirdos who are battling their own personal demons as well as their relationship ups and downs. Just not the book for me but it might be something completely different to someone else. It has lots of great reviews and was recommending by several friends who all loved the book and series. I wanted to enjoy it, but I just couldn't find it in me to enjoy this book. Sorry!


Top 10 with Author N.L. Dufour

N.L. Dufour has stopped by the blog today to participate in the Top10. Her book Falling is in the editing stages as we speak and soon I will be reviewing it. Now lets get to know her a little more...

1. fav movie/actor/actress?-Schindler's list - brad pitt - rachel mcadams
2. fav song/singer?all i ever needed by bret michaels (1st song at my wedding, has a special place in my heart) & george strait
3. fav place you would love to visit?the mountains... i like the cool air and the beautiful views
4. one item you can not live with out?kindle? yeah bc then i can use the internet and read... im sure theres an app so i can make some calls and texts
5. who would you like to meet?(dead or alive)my grandfather on my dad's side (he died when my dad was just a kid, i'd like to meet him since my daddy is my hero)
6. fav hobby?arts & crafts
7. guilty pleasure?reality tv
8. fav author and/book?amanda hocking - switched trilogy
9. do you collect anything?owls
10. pet peeve?liars... honesty is all you need in this world if you ask me  

Did you know you are soon becoming one of my fav authors? And I haven't even read your work yet. You are too sweet!! Wonder why I am gushing about her? Go read her rant where I get mentioned

Here is where you can find N.L. at... blog  website  facebook  goodreads

**AHHHHH!!!!! My very first featured spot as an author! WOW!!!!! This has made my day... okay probably my week to be honest! SWEET!!!!! In case you haven't noticed, I totally love this girl! AMAZING!!!!! Check out her blog site because she is so wonderful at what she does!**
Posting this from a friend's blogsite - check out her interview & giveaway

Friday, June 8, 2012 Author Interview & Giveaway

Hello my fellow readers, I’ve got another giveaway for you and an awesome interview, scroll on down and let the party begin! So first let’s get to know the book this wonderful author has written: After a fatal hit and run accident, Ella Monroe fears that she’s lost more than her beloved parents. Horrifying visions of a past life and a disturbing voice in her head have psychiatric professionals convinced that she’s lost her sanity as well. But when Kale--a dark and handsome stranger with a mysterious past--reveals the true meaning of her visions and the tremendous power she wields through them, Ella must come to terms with the devastating truths of her own past, while eluding an ancient Dark Prince who seeks to control not only her future, but all of mankind’s, by means of abilities that Ella is only beginning to understand. Enter the shrouded world of an age old battle between an ancient race known as the Immortals and their bitter enemy Laurent, the so-called Dark Prince, who commands an army of half-breed vampires known as Chorý. Both sides have been desperately searching for the prophesied emergence of the Arc, a clairvoyant with unparalleled power to recall the past and a soothsayer with clear vision into the future. The Council of Immortals has sworn to protect the Arc, whom they have identified as young Ella Monroe, a college freshman from Virginia living quietly and unaware of her powers or her past. But a renegade Chorý has other plans for the protection of a girl he has loved through the ages. Can Kale convince Ella of who she is, what she is destined to become, and what he once meant to her? Is he truly the best protector to shield the world from the devastating misuse of her powers that Laurent is bent on controlling? Or will the forbidden love they share and Kale’s cursed condition as a retched and hated Chorý be used against them both? Check out what I thought at my review Here

Interview with author Inger Iversen
What first inspired you to start this series?
It was a dream I had a year ago. I was writing another novel at the time, but the dream became daydreams while I was at work and that’s when some of the characters started coming to life. So, I stopped writing Dream Walker and started Few Are Angels.
What do you enjoy most about writing? I love the fact that the world I am writing about is mine. I can change anything I want and create anything I want as well. The creativity writing allows and is amazing.
If there’s one book you could live in what would it be? Amelia Atwater-Rhode’s book Hawksong is one of my favorite books. I read it a few years ago and never forgot it. It’s the story of two shape shifting groups at war and how the children of the war bring peace through what they believe will be a loveless marriage.
What is your beverage of choice while writing? I am trying to stay away from Caffeine, so I have been drinking a lot of decaffeinated Tea!
Which character is your favorite in your book? I love them all! I must say that Alex is pretty awesome. He has the cute and goofy big brother thing going for him and I do have plans for him in the second book!
Were there any scenes you took out? Yes. The first dream I had of Ella and Kale didn't make it into the book. When Ella and Kale first met in my dreams, there was the fight with Blondie in the front yard, but it was in the middle of the day and Kale didn't accept Ella’s offered help she just followed him to the mausoleum instead and continued to do so for a while after. I took it out because it made Ella seem too needy.
Who are your greatest supporters? My family, my sweetheart Josh and my friends have always supported me. I have even had a couple of my favorite authors’ give their support and once that support came in the form of creating my beautiful website:]
What is your ideal writing environment? I do a lot of writing on my balcony during the day. Now that it is June I will most likely be out there listening to music and typing away. Where there any songs that helped you write this story? I am so glad you asked! I love listening to music while I write. At first, it was a distraction, but after a while it turned it to a motivator. I even created a playlist and posted it to my blog. My favorite songs for Few Are Angels are Imogen Heap’s “Come Here Boy” and Black Lab’s “This Night” Click Here to view the playlist
Can you tell us what to expect in the next up-coming book?!
I am 50% done with the second book and I am toying with title ideas. In the next book you will learn more about Ella’s parents, Kale’s Luxure de Sang aka Blood Lust, Alex’s ability to lead, and I am introducing some new characters. Darke and Ana are my personal favorites!
How did you come up with the title of your book? I titled the book Few Are Angels because Ella learns that in this world few are angels. Thank you Inger for taking the time to answer my questions and allowing readers to get a back-stage look at “Few are Angels”.

Giveaway Time!!
Prizes: one e-book of “Few are Angels” (international)            

one paperback of “Few are Angels” (US residents only)
Who can enter? Anyone; it’s International Duration: June 8, 2012- June 22, 2012


The Premonition series
amy bartol

Inescapable is the first in the Premonition series by Amy Bartol. I read this book several months back as well as the second book, Intuition. Both of those books I give a 5 STAR rating! Currently I am halfway through the third book, Indebted, but I am finding it hard to enjoy as much as the first two books. I feel like the basis of the book (the premonitions) aren't even apart of this third book. It has yet to even come up!

Let me give you the basics: Evie is a freshman college student who is torn between to loves - Reed (gorgeous overbearing asshole who is too controlling, if you ask me) & Russell (southern charmer that will instantly make your mouth water, can you tell I have a favorite?). I'm not going to give away any spoilers or anything so just read the descriptions if you must know more (book covers linked to amazon) but that's the book in a nutshell. Premonitions and Fallen Angels etc. Now this is where it gets tricky... in book two you will meet Brennus (he is some vampire-type undead creature with a hot accent!) who stirs up her little love fest between Reed & Russell. I personally love Brennus! I know he is suppose to be the bad guy but I love him. I'd totally tell Reed to kiss my ass and run to the dark side to be with Brennus. Now if I had to choice between Brennus and Russell, that's a different story. I'm going to need some serious thinking time on that one. I love me some Russell!

Okay so in the third book Brennus is back again (YAY!) and I have fallen more and more in love with him. Then I have fallen more in love with Russell and have officially decided I hate Reed. Unless Reed does something amazing in the last half of the book, I don't think my mind will be changing on the I hate Reed status. I am trying my hardest to get into the third book because I love Evie, Russell, and Brennus! I want to know what happens but I feel conflicted. Something about this book, and I can't quite put my finger on it, is turning me off. I almost want to stop where I am and make up the ending so I can be content. IDK... I feel like this book has left the whole idea of premonitions and fallen angels and went in the opposite direction. New creatures are being introduced and killed off and more people are trying to hunt down Evie. Now all of a sudden she can do all this crazy shit she never could do before along with my buddy, Brennus. I feel like it's all being made up as it goes along and left the idea of the series in the dust. Maybe after I finish reading the book my mind will change; I'll keep you updated on it :D The book is well written and tells a great story it's just not the story that I feel is right for this book series. My opinion and I could be way off - who knows! I would still read the first two because they are wonderful reads! After that you can decide if you want to read the third book... but defiantly read the first two because I loved those!  

UPDATE: my goodreads review of indebted-book 3

i wish i wouldn't have read this book to be honest. i felt like i was forcing myself to just finish it so that i could have some type of closure. i loved the first two books and this one was a major disappointment. sometimes i think you just need to wrap up a story and have a happy ending... too much of a good thing is still too much. the only thing i did really like about this book was how much evie kicked ass. she didn't let reed push her around this time! she went behind his back and did what she needed to do and then she stood up to him when he tried to get in the way... go evie! reed really pisses me off. he is overbearing and controlling! i was proud of evie by the end of the book and annoyed that reed was whining about how she "hurt" him during the process. suck it up angel, you aren't suppose to be an asshole who makes her feel guilty for helping people... isn't that the point of the angels? she needed to pick russell in book 1 and i would of died happy knowing she didnt end up with a jackass. i love brennus... sick and twisted, i know, but he is so freaking lovable! if she wasn't going to end up with her soul mate then she should of atleast turned to the dark side and hooked up with brennus! i probably wont be reading the 4th book; sometimes you just have to pretend that it ends differently in your head then it actually plays out - bc i hate evie being with reed! im just going to pretend that evie hooks up with brennus then runs back into the arms of her true love, russell and i dont even cares what happens to reed as long as he is gone. i've never hated the good guy in a book this much. i wanted to like this book, i really did, but it just wasn't for me.

Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire

This book is out of this world good! I was referred to this book by a friend of mine that host a blog site (I READ INDIE). First off let me just say that I love that she supports indie readers! You have no idea how many blog sites that I have looked into that are refusing to take indie author's review request. Now don't get me wrong, I am sure they get bombarded by requests and have limited time to read and review so they have to be selective. But it does bother me when I see they say they either won't wont read a book because it is from an indie author or they wont accept indie writers but will accept publishing company's requests. Sorry, but that kind of annoys me! There are so many writers out there that are amazing and self-published. I would prefer to read an indie book over a published book any day. There is so much out there that people are limited themselves to because they are only reading what main stream media tells them is "cool". I love that she 100% supports indie authors, like myself, because she doesn't limit her possibilities of discovering amazing, talented writers. There are others, don't get me wrong because I have befriends quite a few wonderful bloggers!!! Okay - rant over - sorry had to get that out of the way. Now, back to this fantastic book I am reading!!!!

Beautiful Disaster is funny, ever changing, exciting, and mind blowing book that is not only well-written but also addicting! I am trying to savor the last 25% of the book because I don't want it to end : ( If you ask me, this book gives an accurate depiction of an every-day, modern-aged dysfunctional relationship. You can relate to the characters and understand their roller-coaster type of love. It has it's highs and it's lows and everything in between. I am not saying that you should go out and try to tame the bad boy, because you more than likely won't succeed. Every girl loves to hate loving the bad boy. If you don't fall in love with Travis then there is something wrong with you. He is a total jerk but completely lovable at the same time. You will understand where Abby comes from but still hate the decisions that she makes. If you have ever been in a relationship that was "not perfect" then welcome to my world! This book is the exception to the rule... most bad relationships are just that - BAD! This book gives you the happy ending (I hope, I haven't finished yet) that girls wish they had when they went through similar situations. I found myself falling in love with this book from the first page. I have linked the picture and the title to Amazon, I highly suggest you buy it! ONLY $2.99 and worth every single cent!!!!! 

I just finished reading the third book in the Madly series. Terrific! Better than the first two by far! I love Mady & Jackson! I can't get enough of their little romance. And this book takes it to the next level, if ya know what I mean! *wink, wink* The relationship between Jersey (bestfriend) and Madly will leave you laughing out loud. The romance between Madly and Jackson will leave you wishing you were curled up in that sexy little mer-man's arms! I can't wait for the release of book four to come out. I would highly recommend this book if you are a fan of YA Romance.

Madly and the Jackal - M. Leighton

This is book 3 in the Madly Series. The first one is a novella and the second one is a full length novel. It is about mermaids and mermen - but they live on and off land like of like the little mermaid, I guess. It's good though. I wasn't a big fan of M. Leighton's vampire book but I took a chance on reading the Madly novella and it was worth it! This series is different than all the others out there. I would recommend any paranormal romance fan to give this series a try. I have been waiting a while for this book to come out so I was so excited to hear it was available of amazon. (i linked the pic and title above) I don't really know how to explain the series really so just read the descriptions. I'm just here to tell you that it is worth reading. I am about 10% into the third book so I will update later on to let you know how it turns out.

Blood Jewel- Georgia Cates
(book 2 of the Vampire Agape series)

This will be the next book on my to-read list. I figured I would finish with the Madly book then read this one as inspiration before going into the editing process on Falling. In case you have never read Georgia Cates, I would highly recommend you start. She also has a book called Going Under that is amazing! This series is her vampire series, obviously. It has more traditional vampires which I prefer. I can't wait to see what happens with the two love interests. Will he turn her into a vampire for her own protection? Hmm... my guess is he will but I haven't read the description or spoilers because I want to be surprised! Georgia Cates is a wonderful writer that I have corresponded with via Goodreads. She is the sweetest, most uplifting author that I have ever met. I told her about my desires to write my book and she was so supportive. She gave me all kind of tips that helped inspire my ambitions. I have even offered to send her a copy of my book to read and she said she would love that. How freaking awesome is that!?!?! It was nice to have such a talented author reach out and help me with my writing. To say the least I was awestruck and flabbergasted by her quick response to my initial e-mail. If you aren't into the whole vampire thing, which I don't know how you couldn't, but her Going Under book is about two high school kids. Normal, regular ol' teens with normal, regular ol' teen issues. Wonderful story and super funny! Trust me, one of the best books I have ever read.

New World Order - Elle Casey
(War of the Fae Book 4)

I finished the last book (for now) and it was amazing! At first I was worried to be completely honest. Everything started change and go in different directions... I was started to get confused and loss. There wasn't as much repetition as in the last book which I grateful appreciated. Everything around the 70% mark started to fall into place and started make sense again. I guess I just had my mind set on one thing and was presently surprised by the sudden change in plot. If you start the series don't let book 3 & 4 slow you down. They lead you to where you need to go and it's worth getting there. There will be a second series that picks up where this series leaves off. I think I saw on her site that the first book was going to be coming out this fall. I will be sure to keep you updated on it's release. The books overall are wonderful to read. Very exciting and ever changing with dry, quick humor rolled into the mix. FUNNY! If nothing else about this series, you can't deny how funny it is. You will be laughing out loud and fall in love with the characters!  

My editor will start the editing process on June 6th!!! Hopefully in less than a week I will have her initial review of my book. Then after about two weeks, I should have her 1st complete comprehensive edit of my book. From their I will make my changes and send my book out to my beta readers! Before the end of June I am hoping to have all my feed back from my beta readers and my editor together for the final rough draft. I will once again hand it over to my editor to see if any changes are needed. Hopefully, if all goes as planned, I will start to upload it onto all the e-book sites for purchase beginning in July! I will have the book free for probably a month or more then bump the price to 99cents. It will all depend on the overall success of the book when I will start the second book in the series. I am super excited to get this process going! I can't wait to hear what my editor suggests and what my beta readers think of my book.

I just want to thank everyone for all of their love and support during this process. Without you pushing and guiding me through this, I don't know if I would have been able to do it. I wrote the book because I felt like it was something different that was missing from the vampire book community. The story came to me and I felt the need to put it on paper or word doc. (however you want to say it). I hope my readers will see the difference this book has to main stream vampire books. I personally believe that Indie Authors write the best books. They are in a class all of their own. There is no giant publishing company telling you what to read and how it should be written. My book is just that - MY BOOK! I get to make up the characters and I get to have them do whatever I fell is best for the book. The more I think about things the less I want to pitch my book to the main stream publishing companies. I would have to find one that was not going to change my ideas or force me to fit into the mold they think people like to read. Trust be it told, INDIE AUTHORS do it best!