I have 80% of the book written and edited thus far. Tomorrow I am going to finishing writing the rest of the book and edit the rough draft.

As soon as I am done with my initial edits then I get to send it to a professional to review. My copyeditor will be able to help structure my chapters and smooth out any rough spots with character development and grammar.

I am looking forward to starting my book cover! I have so many ideas rushing in my head of how I want it to look. But you are going to have to wait and see once it's all done. No giveaways just yet!

Once I get the book self-published then I will be sending out copies to local publishing companies trying to snag a book deal. I already have plans for a spin off for Rosalee's bestfriend Zoey. Also, I have a murder/mystery book planned to write. Not sure which one I want to write first. We shall see!

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